Laktoz intoleransı

Lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance is the inability or difficulty digesting a sugar called lactose. Lactose is a natural sugar found in milk and dairy products. The digestive system produces an enzyme called lactase to digest lactose. However, in people with lactose intolerance, the enzyme lactase is not produced in sufficient quantities or does not work effectively.

The prevalence of lactose intolerance varies depending on ethnic and geographical factors. In some populations, lactose intolerance is more common, especially among people of Asian, African and South American descent. However, lactose intolerance can occur in any ethnic group.

Symptoms of lactose intolerance usually occur after consuming foods or drinks containing lactose. The most common symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, nausea and sometimes vomiting. The severity of symptoms can vary from person to person and can vary depending on the amount of lactose.

Lactose intolerance can be diagnosed by assessing the symptoms and performing some tests. Tests such as the lactase tolerance test or the hydrogen breath test can be used to diagnose lactose intolerance.

Treatment of lactose intolerance usually involves avoiding foods and drinks that contain lactose. Many people can consume lactose at a tolerable level and keep symptoms under control. There are also lactase enzyme supplements or other medicines to help digest lactose.

To balance the diet of people with lactose intolerance, they can choose dairy products enriched with lactose-free or low-lactose alternatives. These can include products with a lower lactose content, such as lactose-free milk, lactose-free yogurt, lactose-free cheese. It is also important to pay attention to sources of calcium (such as broccoli, almonds, salmon) other than dairy products.

Lactose intolerance is a common condition, but with the right diet and strategies to manage symptoms, people can lead a normal life. Talking to a health professional will help you learn more about diagnosis and treatment options.