

Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when the body overreacts to an infection. To learn more about sepsis, let us provide more information using the headings below:

What is Sepsis?

Sepsis is a sometimes life-threatening medical condition caused by the body’s response to an infection. Normally, the immune system releases various chemicals into the bloodstream to fight infection. But sepsis is a condition in which this chemical response is unbalanced, triggering changes that can damage multiple organ systems.

Causes of Sepsis

Sepsis can be caused by any type of infection, such as bacterial, viral or fungal (fungal) infections. Sepsis usually occurs as a result of various infections, such as infections of the organs of the digestive system (e.g. stomach and intestines), urinary tract infections, kidney, bladder and circulatory system infections. Risk factors include age, immune system weakness, chronic diseases, intravenous catheters, surgical interventions and medication use.

Sepsis Symptoms and Types

Sepsis occurs in individuals with an infection and symptoms may include slow or sudden mental changes, low blood pressure (systolic blood pressure measurement of 100 mm Hg or less), rapid breathing (22 or more breaths per minute). Sepsis can lead to more severe symptoms and damage organs. It can also develop complications such as the formation of blood clots and organ failure.

Sepsis Diagnosis Methods

To diagnose sepsis, doctors usually do blood tests. These tests help assess signs of infection, liver and kidney function, oxygen levels, electrolyte balance and clotting problems. Tests may also be done on urine, wound secretions or respiratory secretions. Imaging tests (X-rays, computed tomography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging) can help identify the source of infection.

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Sepsis Treatment Methods

Treatment of sepsis and septic shock is an emergency. First, the individual is given broad-spectrum antibiotics. These antibiotics help fight the infection. Fluid therapy is used to support blood pressure. Vasopressor drugs may be used to increase blood pressure. Other medicines may be used depending on the individual’s condition.

Individuals with sepsis may be provided with oxygen support and a respirator. Dialysis may be needed if there is kidney failure. Rarely, surgery may be needed to remove infected tissues.

Sepsis is a serious health problem and early diagnosis and treatment is vital. People at risk of sepsis should seek medical attention immediately if they show signs of infection.



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