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What are Birth Control Methods?

Birth Control Methods and Hormonal Options

Contraceptive methods are important tools to help couples avoid unwanted pregnancies. These methods offer many different options and can be chosen according to a couple’s needs, health status and lifestyle. Here is more information about contraception:

Birth Control Pills (Oral Contraceptives): Birth control pills are tablets containing the hormones estrogen and/or progestogen. These hormones prevent a woman from ovulating, alter cervical secretion and affect the lining of the uterus in a way that makes it unsuitable for pregnancy. When used correctly, they are highly effective, but must be used regularly to leave no room for error.

Hormonal Injections: Hormonal contraceptive injections contain the hormone progestogen and are administered as monthly or quarterly injections. These injections prevent ovulation and thicken the cervical secretion, preventing sperm from reaching the uterus.

Implants: Implants are small hormonal rods placed under the arm. They are usually effective for three years and release the hormone progestogen. They prevent pregnancy by affecting the lining of the uterus.

Birth Control Patch: This is a thin, flesh-colored patch that contains the hormones estrogen and progestogen. It sticks to the woman’s skin and provides effective protection for a week.

Spiral: This is a T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus. There are copper or hormonal types. The copper spiral inhibits sperm motility and prevents pregnancy. Hormonal spiral changes the secretion in the uterus and reduces sperm motility. It can be used for both contraception and menstrual regulation.

The morning after pill: An emergency contraceptive used after unexpected sexual intercourse. It can be effective if taken within 72 hours after intercourse. However, it should not replace a regular contraceptive method.

Diaphragm: A type of barrier that women place in the vaginal area. It closes the cervix and prevents sperm from reaching the uterus. It may be more effective when used together with spermicide (spermicidal substance).

Condom: Condoms protect against sexually transmitted infections and prevent pregnancy. Both male and female condoms are available.

Birth Control Methods for Men:

Condom: One of the most common forms of contraception that men can use during sexual intercourse. Condoms prevent sperm from entering the vagina and protect against sexually transmitted infections.

Vasectomy: This is a surgical procedure in which men’s reproductive ducts are ligated. This is a permanent form of birth control and is difficult to reverse.

Testosterone Injections: Testosterone injections can reduce sperm production, but should not be used as a definitive method of birth control.

It is important to talk to a health professional to determine which method of birth control is best for you. Each method has advantages, disadvantages and side effects, and it is best to choose the appropriate one based on your personal health situation. Remember, when used correctly, contraception is extremely effective in preventing pregnancy, but it is always best to avoid unprotected sex.



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