Bulutistan and Swedish Care Turkey Cooperation

Bulutistan is joining forces with Swedish Care Turkey, one of the leading and innovative companies in the field of telehealth, to launch a new era in Turkey where healthcare services are integrated with high technology.

The collaboration will create new standards in the fields of health and technology in Turkey with the power of new generation cloud technologies by providing reliable, fast and effective telehealth services to patients and healthcare organizations.

Developing technology has transformed the healthcare ecosystem. With the development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology and the widespread use of smartphones, telehealth services have become increasingly widespread. Touching the lives of more and more people with the cost and time savings it creates and the high quality of service it offers, telehealth services are increasing their accessibility with the support of new generation technologies. New generation cloud technologies provide companies operating in this field with competitive advantage, speed and efficiency. In this way, companies can expand their target audience by introducing healthcare services to different audiences.

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