
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes recurrent seizures. Epilepsy is caused by abnormal electrical activity of the brain. This abnormal electrical activity disrupts the normal functioning of the brain and can manifest itself in a variety of symptoms.

Seizures are a specific symptom of epilepsy. Seizures are caused by abnormal electrical activity in a specific area of the brain. Seizures can manifest in various ways, such as loss of consciousness, muscle twitching, convulsions, sensory changes, numbness, hallucinations or changes in behavior. The severity and duration of seizures can vary from person to person.

Epilepsy is a condition, not a disease. Epilepsy is diagnosed based on the type, frequency, duration and effects of the seizures a person has. Doctors usually diagnose epilepsy using a description of the seizures, the patient’s medical history, a neurological examination, tests such as an electroencephalogram (EEG) and sometimes imaging tests.

The factors that cause epilepsy can vary. In some cases of epilepsy, no definitive cause can be identified, while in other cases brain damage, brain tumors, genetic factors, infections, trauma, metabolic disorders or certain neurological diseases can cause epilepsy.

Epilepsy is usually treated with antiepileptic drugs. These medicines try to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures by controlling abnormal electrical activity in the brain. If medication is not enough, other treatment options such as diet therapy or surgery may be considered.

A person with epilepsy may also be advised to make some lifestyle changes. These changes may include getting regular sleep, managing stress, exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet and avoiding alcohol or drugs.

Epilepsy is a manageable condition with appropriate treatment and support. It is important to follow up regularly with a neurologist or epilepsy specialist, take medication regularly and avoid triggers.