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What is Low Back Pain?

Low back pain is tenderness in the lower back, usually aching, hurting, burning or stinging. This pain can sometimes be sharp and clear, or it can be more widespread and more of a generalized discomfort rather than a specific point. Low back pain can have different causes and it can often be difficult to pinpoint a precise cause. In some cases, once nerve endings have been stimulated, the pain may persist and it is important to remember that stress can also contribute to low back pain.

Low back pain can be caused by a variety of tissues, which includes different structures, from bones to muscles, joints, discs or vessels. In addition, even if the underlying cause of low back pain is sometimes eliminated, the nerve endings can still continue to send pain signals. In addition to lower back pain, there may also be pain in the legs, numbness, temperature changes and incontinence.

We can examine low back pain in two main categories:

1. Acute low back pain:

Acute low back pain is pain that occurs in less than 6 weeks. This type of pain can start after a specific activity or trauma, or it can develop for no apparent reason. 80% of people experience at least one episode of severe acute low back pain in their lifetime. This type of pain usually resolves spontaneously and about 50% will get better within 2 weeks. In 6 weeks, 80% of people will experience a complete disappearance of low back pain. However, 30% of people who experience one episode of severe low back pain may experience recurrent episodes or chronic low back pain.

2. Chronic low back pain:

Chronic low back pain is pain that persists for more than 3 months. This type of pain is usually caused by damage to the tissues, which stimulates nerve endings and causes pain. Inflammation and swelling in the body can also contribute to the pain. This can make it difficult to remove waste from the body at the site of the pain. Chronic back pain may need to be carefully examined to determine the cause.

The causes of low back pain can be very diverse. Here are some common causes:

Injuries: Spinal fractures can occur as a result of high-energy accidents or falls. Fractures can also occur in elderly people with reduced bone density due to low-energy trauma.

Lumbar Hernia: It occurs as a result of rupture of the discs between the vertebrae and compression of the nerves due to factors such as heavy lifting, prolonged bending, overweight and prolonged stress.

– Stress Fracture and Lumbar Slip: Stress fractures may occur in the lower lumbar region as a result of continuous microtrauma. These fractures can lead to slipped discs.

– Lumbar Narrow Canal: It occurs as a result of narrowing of the canal surrounding the spinal cord and can cause symptoms such as loss of strength and numbness in the legs.

– Infections: Infections of the spine can affect the spinal cord, discs and surrounding tissues and can sometimes occur after surgery.

– Tumors: Tumors can be of bone, soft tissue or nerve origin and can be benign or malignant.

You can use the following methods to relieve and prevent back pain:

– Keep moving: Staying active can reduce inflammation and relieve muscle tension by increasing blood flow. Regular exercise helps prevent lower back pain.

– Hot and cold applications: Cold application can reduce swelling in acute pain, while hot application can increase muscle relaxation.

– Correct posture: Supporting the spine correctly and standing upright can reduce pressure in the lower back.

– Appropriate footwear: Choosing appropriate footwear that supports the feet can reduce lower back pain.

– Healthy diet: A healthy and balanced diet can reduce lower back pain by controlling weight.

– Good sleep: Adequate and quality sleep can relieve pain by resting the body.

Low back pain is a common health problem that can occur for many different reasons. Regardless of the cause, lifestyle changes and appropriate treatment methods can be used to alleviate and prevent low back pain. However, if you are experiencing severe or persistent low back pain, it is important to consult a physician.

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