Colds in Infants: Prevention and Treatment

Bebeklerde Soğuk Alğınlığı_ Korunma ve Tedavi Yöntemleri

Today, it is easier than ever to access information about babies’ health. With innovative technological solutions and the proliferation of medical knowledge, parents are becoming more aware of their children’s health issues. However, this flow of easily accessible information can also confuse, mislead or cause unnecessary anxiety. The common cold is one of the most common health problems babies face and can be a cause for concern for their families.

Babies and Colds

Colds in babies are caused by the fact that their immune systems are not fully developed at a young age. This means that babies are more prone to colds than adults. According to research, babies can catch colds an average of 7-8 times in their first year.

This number decreases during childhood, but remains high in the early years. Babies have weaker immune systems than adults and are therefore more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria.

Why is it so common?

  • Immune System: In a newborn baby, the immune system is not fully developed. The immune system strengthens over time and with the microorganisms it is exposed to. Infancy is a period when the immune system develops itself by meeting various microorganisms.
  • Narrow Nose Structure: Since babies have narrow noses, congestion can be more uncomfortable for them than for adults. This congestion can disrupt sleep patterns and affect feeding habits. Narrow nasal structures can restrict airflow, allowing viruses to settle more easily.
  • Poor Hygiene: Babies touch everything with their hands and bring it to their mouths. This increases the risk of exposure to microorganisms. This tendency of babies makes them more easily exposed to viruses and bacteria in their environment.

Prevention Methods

  • Hand Hygiene: Frequent hand washing is critical in protecting babies from the common cold. It is also important to make sure that hands are clean before coming into contact with the baby. Clean hands are an important step in protecting the health of babies by minimizing the transfer of viruses and bacteria.
  • Vaccinations: Babies’ vaccination schedule is one of the most important weapons that protect them from many diseases. Especially during the flu season, getting a flu shot can protect them from this disease. Vaccination protects babies from many dangerous diseases they may encounter.
  • Avoiding Crowded Environments: It is recommended that babies stay away from crowded environments, especially in their first months. This helps protect them from many viruses while strengthening their immune system. Crowded environments can bring babies into contact with many people and expose them to viruses.
  • Nutrition: A balanced and healthy diet strengthens babies’ immune systems. Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for a baby and protects them against many diseases. Proper nutrition increases babies’ body resistance and makes them more resistant to diseases.

Treatment Methods

In the treatment of the common cold in infants, methods aimed at alleviating the symptoms are usually preferred. These methods include:

  • Do not use a humidifier: Dry air can irritate babies’ airways. Humidifiers prevent the airways from drying out by increasing the humidity of the air. A humid environment allows the airways to work more easily and thus helps babies breathe more easily.
  • Nasal Aspirators: These tools are used to clean babies’ noses. Due to the narrow nasal structures of babies, congestion may occur frequently. These blockages can be easily cleared with nasal aspirators.
  • Non-Prescription Medicines: Medicines used in the treatment of the common cold in babies are usually intended to relieve symptoms. However, not every medicine may be suitable for babies. For this reason, a doctor should be consulted before using medication.
  • Plenty of Fluid Intake: Drinking plenty of fluids during a cold helps the body to detoxify. For babies, this is usually breast milk or formula formula. Fluid intake meets the fluid needs of babies’ bodies and keeps them hydrated.


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Causes and Symptoms of Colds

Influencing Factors

  • Seasonal Changes: The risk of catching a cold increases especially in the fall and winter months. The decrease in air temperature during these periods prolongs the life span of viruses and facilitates their spread.
  • Personal Contact: Babies have frequent physical contact with the people around them. If they are carrying a cold or other viral infection, babies can easily be exposed to these diseases.


  • Coughing and wheezing: It is one of the common symptoms during colds in babies. Coughing may increase especially while sleeping at night.
  • Runny Nose: Runny nose is the most common symptom of the common cold. The color and consistency of the discharge can give information about the stage of the disease.
  • Fever: A slightly high fever in babies may indicate that the body is fighting the virus. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor in very high fever.


Prevention of colds in infants: Home and Environmental Conditions

  • Air Filters: Using air filters at home can reduce harmful particles and microorganisms in the air. It is especially useful for reducing the risk of allergic reactions.
  • Regular Cleaning: Regular cleaning of the home prevents the spread of viruses and bacteria. Especially toys should be washed and cleaned frequently.
  • Avoiding Cigarette Smoke: Passive smoking can negatively affect the respiratory tract of babies. This can make them more prone to colds.


The health of babies is a priority for every parent. The common cold in infants is a common problem and can be easily managed with informed approaches. However, it is not always easy to instantly access accurate and reliable information about babies’ health. This is where Doktornow comes into play.

Doktornow provides parents with expert doctor advice in real time, allowing them to quickly access the right information in cases such as the common cold. By helping parents find the right treatment methods even at the most critical moments, Doktornow helps babies grow up healthier and safer. So, for parents, Doktornow remains a first-class guide and reassurance in babies’ health.