Hepatit C

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). HCV is a blood-borne virus and can be passed from an infected person to a healthy person through blood contact. It can also be transmitted through shared syringes, sexual contact, from an infected mother to her baby (during childbirth or through breastfeeding) and, rarely, through contaminated objects.

HCV infection can develop in two stages: acute and chronic. Acute hepatitis C occurs within the first 6 months of infection. During this period, patients are usually asymptomatic or may experience non-specific symptoms such as mild flu-like symptoms, fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain. Most acute infections resolve spontaneously, but some people can become chronic.

Chronic hepatitis C refers to when the infection lasts longer than 6 months. Chronic hepatitis C is a condition in the liver that can progress over time. Patients are usually asymptomatic for a long time, but later on they can develop serious complications such as liver damage, cirrhosis (widespread and permanent damage to the liver), liver cancer or liver failure.

Hepatitis C is diagnosed by blood tests for HCV antibodies and HCV RNA. These tests are used to determine whether the infection is present and active. Liver function tests and imaging tests may also be done to assess the condition of the liver.

Hepatitis C is treated with antiviral drugs. With advances in medical technology, the treatment of chronic hepatitis C has become highly successful. The new generation of antiviral drugs are highly capable of destroying the virus and the duration of treatment usually ranges from 8 to 12 weeks.

Prevention of hepatitis C includes measures to prevent transmission of the infection. These include safe blood transfusions, use of sterile syringes, protected sex, medical interventions to prevent transmission from an infected mother to her baby, and adherence to hygiene rules. In addition, there is no hepatitis C vaccine, but vaccination against hepatitis A and B is recommended.

Hepatitis C can be controlled with early detection and appropriate treatment. It is important for people infected with the hepatitis C virus to talk to their healthcare provider and get information about appropriate treatment options.

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